طلب العضوية السنوية / التجديد Please select one that applies to you: First time memberRenewal DATE: Your Name Your Email Your Primary Phone number: HomeWorkMobile Your Secondary Phone number (optional) HomeWorkMobile Your Fax number (optional) Your Street address Your Unit # (if applicable): City: Postal Code: Province: —Please choose an option—ABBCMBNBNLNTNSNUONPEQCSKYT Areas of Expertise: Program Development & EvaluationStrategic PlanningPolicy DevelopmentMarketing and CommunicationsFundraising Type your message here: I understand that I have to make / already made, the Annual Membership Fee deposit of $25 CAD I understand that the Membership is subject to IWSO’s Board approval I confirm that I have read / heard and understood the objectives of the organization and I actively support these objectives بمجرد إرسال نموذج الطلب ، يرجى دفع 25 دولارًا كنديًا رسوم العضوية السنوية أدناه وتضمين الملاحظة التالية في مربع الرسالة: “This Payment Is For IWSO Annual Membership“ Immigrant Women Services Ottawa219 Argyle Avenue, Suite 400Ottawa, OntarioK2P 2H4هاتف: 3145-729-613فاكس: 9308-729-613 Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Linkedin إتصل بنا