In 2016, I lost my mum suddenly at the age of 28. I was wholly unprepared for the grief journey that followed, and spent years feeling adrift.
My mum was so full of life and energy, with a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. Growing up on the West Coast, I recall her volunteering in her church and community, spending her time when money was not an option, and showing me that giving back, even in small ways, was always possible.
Photo of me and my mum, Patricia Anne McKenzie, at Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC in the mid-2000s. My mum instilled in me a love of beauty, gardens, and often dragging me (a reluctant teenager) to various gardens in Victoria to see the rhododendrons bloom.
Fast forward a few years, I settled into my career, got married, bought a house and created a garden – diving headfirst into my passion for growing and arranging flowers. However I was always looking for ways to keep my mum’s memory and spirit alive, especially when the anniversary of her passing came around, leaving me feeling emotionally clobbered each time.
I decided to channel my grief into my passion by creating a floral workshop for my friends and family to arrange flowers from my garden and other local growers with the purpose of raising money for charity. September 2020 was the inaugural event, called “Bubbles & Blooms” in recognition of the prosecco we sipped while enjoying the flowers. I so enjoyed getting to share my mum’s memory, and seeing the power of women coming together to help other women and those in need of assistance. Over the past 5 years we’ve raised funds for women’s shelters, Indigenous childrens’ programming and mental health supports for youth in Ottawa. And of course, getting to see the magic of friends and loved ones getting to play with flowers in my garden is a dream come true. What once was a deeply difficult time of grief became a point of beauty and highlight of each summer for me to look forward to.
The first photo is of the author in her greenhouse surrounded by flowers. This year was the 5th anniversary of Bubbles & Blooms, held on an extremely rainy day but filled with excitement and beauty nonetheless.
This year, as we sipped our bubbles and snipped our blooms, I shared why I chose IWSO as the recipient of our fundraising.

Their mandate to support racialized and immigrant women, including survivors of domestic violence, resonates deeply with me. Working in the immigration field for the past several years, I am all too aware of the vulnerabilities and barriers that newcomer women can face in terms of settling in Canada, accessing counseling and support services, and breaking the cycle of abuse. IWSO provides invaluable support for survivors of gender-based violence through empowering them to not only exit an abusive situation, but also to connect with economic opportunities, thereby building a brighter future and stronger communities. I firmly believe in the value and contributions that immigrant women bring to our country, and am so proud for our small contribution of $1,000 to go towards programming supporting their diverse needs.
Thank you to IWSO for asking me to share our story! Like many adult daughters of wise mums, I can say she was right all along. My mum was showing me the right path even when I wasn’t aware of the lessons I was learning – giving back, even in ways that may feel small, is always possible. And getting to create and share in the beauty of flowers is a gift unto itself. I think my mum would be proud.
Dianne Rainville
Ottawa, ON
Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
219 Argyle Avenue, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2H4
Tel: 613-729-3145
Fax: 613-729-9308