IWSO Receives Funding for Programming
Mercy Lawluvi,
Executive Director
(613) 729-3145

The Robert Campeau Family Foundation
Roland Villemaire
Executive Director
The Robert Campeau Family Foundation Directs $3000 to Support IWSO’s Programming
Ottawa, ON – August 19, 2021… Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO), today announced that The Robert Campeau Foundation has graciously donated $3000 in support of Immigrant Women Services Ottawa. Funding will go directly to providing support to our many programs that support immigrant women and their children.
“As an organization that serves immigrant and racialized women our clients face multiple barriers to getting the help they need. This is because they may lack the necessary language skills, social supports, and awareness of their legal protections to seek assistance,” said Mercy Lawluvi, Executive Director of IWSO. “The funding from the Robert Campeau Family Foundation will help tremendously in maintaining the service for these women.”
The Robert Campeau Family Foundation’s Executive Director Roland Villemaire, said: “It’s essential that women who come to Canada receive support to help them move forward and engage fully in life. Immigrant Women Services Ottawa has demonstrated through their 30+ years of history in helping women integrate into Canadian society that they are more than qualified to provide these exceptional services.”
“The programs that IWSO offers to newcomer women and their children are essential for them to integrate fully into society . IWSO is unique in providing this support to these women and their children so they can lead healthier lives in the future,” says IWSO manager for Crisis Intervention and Counselling Services, Josphine Basudde.
About Immigrant Women Services Ottawa:
The mandate of (IWSO) is to empower immigrant and racialized women in the City of Ottawa and surrounding areas to participate in the elimination of all forms of abuse against women; to provide culturally responsive services which will facilitate their access to community and mainstream services and provide other services/programs which will assist immigrant women in their journey to attain their full potential. Immigrant Women Services Ottawa is a community-based agency serving immigrant and racialized women. We create opportunities for women as they integrate into a new society, rebuild their lives free of violence, and achieve their personal goals.
About The Robert Campeau Family Foundation:
Robert Campeau Family Foundation is a private foundation in Canada founded in 1980. The purpose of the foundation is to support civic and social qualified charitable organizations.
Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
219 Argyle Avenue, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2H4
Tel: 613-729-3145
Fax: 613-729-9308