Mercy Lawluvi,
Executive Director
(613) 729-3145

Knights of Columbus
Dan Sullivan
President, Columbus Club Council 485
(613) 737-6770
$1500 Grant from Knights of Columbus received
Ottawa, ON – June 15, 2022… Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO), today announced that they have received a grant of $1500 from The Knights of Columbus. This grant will be used towards funding two Support Groups for Abused Women during the 2022/23 calendar year. IWSO is the only ‘women’s only’ service organization in Ottawa and the surrounding area that provides culturally appropriate crisis and settlement services to immigrant women fleeing violence.
Knights of Columbus President, Dan Sullivan said, “We are proud to once again support IWSO in their mission. The Columbus Club knows how important it is to provide a safe, secure and confidential environment for immigrant women who are escaping violent circumstances.”
“We are grateful to the Knights of Columbus for again coming forward and lending their support. One of the purposes of the support groups is to give women coping techniques, and other skills to practice self-care. Support groups also give these women the ability to connect with others in similar situations, which can help to mitigate feelings of loneliness and isolation .” said Mercy Lawluvi, Executive Director of IWSO.
IWSO includes a multi-disciplinary team (crisis counsellors, professional interpreters, settlement and integration counsellors, and volunteers) offering comfort and support to immigrant and racialized women in Ottawa and the surrounding areas.
“Immigrant and racialized women who receive support through these groups, in a culturally appropriate manner report being able to confidently integrate into society and the local economy giving them the ability, to live with their children in an environment free of violence,” said Thao Duong, Manager of Settlement and Integration Services at IWSO. “Thanks to today’s grant, we will be able to continue offering these support groups to our clients.”
The Knights of Columbus’ mission is to empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. For the Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects. KOC programming includes faith, family, community and life.
About Immigrant Women Services Ottawa:
The mandate of (IWSO) is to empower immigrant and racialized women in the City of Ottawa and surrounding areas to participate in the elimination of all forms of abuse against women; to provide culturally responsive services which will facilitate their access to community and mainstream services and provide other services/programs which will assist immigrant women in their journey to attain their full potential. Immigrant Women Services Ottawa is a community-based agency serving immigrant and racialized women. We create opportunities for women as they integrate into a new society, rebuild their lives free of violence, and achieve their personal goals.
About Knights of Columbus:
KOC are informed by the four core principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Founded by Michael J. McGivney, the KOC primary purpose was to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died. Today KOC are active in their communities running such programs as Coats for Kids, Special Olympics and Food for Families. The Knights of Columbus Scholarships have been helping young people obtain this freedom since their founding. During the past year, the Supreme Council provided nearly $1 million in scholarships to students attending colleges, universities, and seminaries.
Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
219 Argyle Avenue, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 2H4
Tel: 613-729-3145
Fax: 613-729-9308